Review date
18 September 2001
Different time-showing utilities are not so popular at the moment among users all over the world. I should say that it’s not fair, because every of such program is worth trying and using. It seems to me that all of them are getting better day after day. Are you ready to try the ideal clock?
Desktop Atomic Clock couldn’t surprise me much, because I’ve already seen dozens of such programs. And it’s not an ideal program. But there’s one very important fact I should admit: the program is very convenient and useful. That was the reason for choosing it as the object of this review.
Its interface is simple, but very nice, even “sweet”. The most important function of this element of software is in synchronizing the time on your PC with the global Internet atomic clock system. You can be sure that your clock will never fail to show you the correct time. The program is very simple and you won’t have troubles with using it. The free version will be given for a month, then the program will offer you to register your version. DAC requires Win98 or higher.